Please Keep Our City Neat!
Don’t Place It In The Street!

Placing Grass Clippings, Leaves or Other
Debris Into City Streets, Alleys or Drainage Ways Is
Not Only Unsightly ... It’s Unlawful!
The City of Ludlow
requests your assistance in keeping our community safe and in good appearance.
Yard debris or other items blown, swept, raked or otherwise placed into city
streets, alleys and drainage ways can clog storm drainage systems and can cause
harm to passing pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. It is also a violation
of the City’s littering ordinance (City Code 90.20 (D) (1) and could result in
a maximum fine of $500.00.
Residents are encouraged
to mulch or compost their yard trimmings. Thanks for doing your part to help
keep Ludlow a great community!