- May 22, 2020 is the projected date for the State Board of Elections portal to be available. It will similar to the online voter registration portal. The voter will go through a series of prompts to identify themselves with date of birth, social security number and verify their address. The voter will be digitally signing the application by either entering in their Driver’s License number, which pulls over the voter’s signature, or they will to sign digitally using an IPad or other device.
- Until the portal is functional, I encourage all Kenton County voters to request an application for an absentee ballot by using this link
- Voters can also call the voter registration office at 859-392-1620.
- Once the application is signed, the voter can either return it by mail to Kenton County Clerk, P.O. Box 1109, Covington, KY 41011 or put it in the drop box at 1840 Simon Kenton Way, Covington, KY.
- Kenton County’s primary ballot only has democratic and republican races on it. If a voter changed their party affiliation after 12/31/2019, they aren’t eligible for a primary ballot. The State Board of Elections is sending a letter to all voters who changed their party affiliation after the deadline. To check your party affiliation please use this link:
- Once a voter receives the ballot, I encourage everyone to read the instructions carefully. Here is a link to a video on how best to fill out the ballot and return it to the office.
- The postage has been pre-paid on the return envelopes for the ballot, but voters can also put the completed ballot in the drop box at 1840 Simon Kenton Way, Covington, KY.
To check your registration status please use this link:
If you need to register to voter please use this link:
- June 8-June 22 In-person absentee voting will be available by appointment only for voters who need the ADA voting machine or are unable to receive a ballot by mail. A voter will need to call the voter office for further information. Voting appointments for in-person absentee will scheduled 5 minutes apart between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday from June 8, 2020 to June 22, 2020. There will be appointments available on Saturday, June 20, 2020 from 9 a.m. to noon.
- JUNE 23, 2020 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY: There will still be an Election Day on June 23, 2020. Due to the Governor, Secretary of State and State Board of Election regulations and the CDC rules, voting will not be possible at the 105 precincts in Kenton County.
- There will only ONE polling location available on Election Day. The Northern Kentucky Convention Center will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. for in-person voting. There will be free parking available across the street at the County Parking Garage at 220 Madison Avenue, Covington, KY. More details will follow.