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Open Records Act Updates

On June 29, 2021, the Kentucky Office of Attorney General released an updated version of The Kentucky Open Records and Open Meetings Acts to include information regarding the significant changes House Bill 312 made to the Kentucky Open Records Act.

KRS 61.872 permits access to inspection of public records under the Open Records Act to any resident of the commonwealth.  KRS 61.870 is amended to define “resident of the commonwealth” to mean: (1) an individual residing in the commonwealth; (2) a domestic business entity with a location in the commonwealth; (3) a foreign business entity registered with the secretary of state; (4) an individual that is employed and works at a location or locations within the commonwealth; (5) an individual or business entity that owns real property within the commonwealth; (6) any individual or business entity that has been authorized to act on behalf of an individual or business entity qualifying as a resident of the commonwealth; or (7) a “news-gathering organization” as defined in KRS 189.635.

The Attorney General created a standardized form to be used when making an open records request.  While the City of Ludlow cannot require the requester to use the standard form, the request must contain the following information:  (1) name of the requesting party; (2) mailing or email address of the requesting party; (3) whether the request is for a commercial purpose; (4) a description of the documents requested; (5) a statement about how the person making the request is a resident of the commonwealth; and (6) the signature of the requesting party. 

Please click HERE or contact the Ludlow Municipal Center at (859) 491-1233 to obtain a copy of the open records request form.  

An open records requests must be submitted to the City Clerk Laurie Sparks by one of the following methods:

1.    In person at the Ludlow Municipal Center, 51 Elm Street, Ludlow, KY

2.      Via U.S. mail to P.O. Box 16188, Ludlow, KY  41016

3.      Via email to [email protected].

The City of Ludlow, upon receiving any request for records, will determine within five days after receiving the request (excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) whether to comply with the request and to notify in writing the person making the request of its decision.

The City of Ludlow charges $.10 per page for documents, plus postage when applicable. 

Open Records Form-Printed.pdf

Posted in: Administration