Posted on October 12, 2022

Any business interested in selling alcoholic beverages within the City of Ludlow is required to obtain an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License. This license registers the business to legally sell alcoholic beverages. The cost of the license depends on the type of business and type of alcohol sold.
The City of Ludlow has an Alcoholic Beverage Control Officer who enforces the administrative regulations relative to the sale and use of alcoholic beverages in the city.
Before applying for a license to sell alcoholic beverages in Ludlow, you must first obtain a license through the State of Kentucky. Click HERE to visit the Kentucky Alcoholic Beverage Control website for an application.
Once you have received your state license, you must apply for a license through the City. Click HERE for the City's ABC license application.
If you have any questions, please contact City ABC Officer John Dorman at (859) 261-8186 or email [email protected].