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City Stickers--Due December 15, 2014

City Stickers--Due December 15, 2014

Beginning November 3, 2014 the City of Ludlow will begin collecting the fee associated with City Stickers. This fee has always been assessed, and until June 30, 2014 was collected by the Kenton County Clerk’s office. This fee was always due at the time of car registration renewal. The Kenton County Clerk’s office is no longer able to collect this fee on behalf of the City, and therefore, this will now be addressed by City staff. To simplify the payment process for residents and the City of Ludlow Administrative Staff, this payment will be due no later than December 15, 2014. As long as the County is unable to collect this fee for the City, the payments will be due in full on December 15th of each year.

In order to pay your fee, please stop by during regular business hours (8 a.m.-4p.m.) Monday-Friday at the Ludlow City Building located at 51 Elm Street. You will need your current registration for each vehicle that you own. The fee will be $20 per car. Being that this is the first year, in many, that the City has had to issue actual City stickers amounts will be prorated for those who paid before June 30, 2014 to compensate for the months you have been covered. For those who would have normally made their payments between July 2014 and December 2014, there will be a one-time increased payment to compensate for the several months of fees owed to the City. Listed below you will find a pricing schedule. These prices will only be for one year; from 2015 on, residents who own vehicles will be required to pay a flat fee of $20.

If you are unable to stop in at the City Building during business hours, please send in a copy of your current registration(s) along with your payment as well as a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The City will record your information and issue your sticker via postal service. Please be advised, if you do this make sure to send your request in at least one week prior to the due date to ensure timely delivery of your sticker. Mail requests should be sent to:

City of Ludlow

ATTN:  City Treasurer

P.O. Box 16188

51 Elm Street

Ludlow, KY  41016

City Stickers will be required to be displayed inside the windshield on the lower corner of the driver’s side of a vehicle, unless you have a motorcycle, which will require placement on the fender near the license plate so that it is clearly visible. All stickers must be clearly visible where indicated.

If you purchase a new car, and sell/junk/trade in your old car you can remove your sticker to place in the new car. You will need to come in to the City offices and update your vehicle information, but will not have to purchase a new sticker if you have switched it to the new vehicle. If you lose your sticker you will have to pay the $20 in full to replace the sticker. The stickers are numbered; if your sticker is stolen please report the theft and officers will track it while enforcing.

Enforcement of the City Stickers will begin on December 16th. Ludlow Officers will be monitoring vehicles throughout the day and night that are parked in the City. If a car is repeatedly parked within the City without a sticker, a citation will be issued in the amount of $30. If the citation is issued for a vehicle not belonging to a resident of the City, the owner will need to visit the City Offices with a license and proof of address. The address will be checked for validity and for being a personal residence and not a business.

We appreciate everyone working with the City during the change in collection of this annual fee. We appreciate your patience and plan to make this change as seamless as possible. If you have questions please contact the City Office at (859) 491-1233.

 City Sticker Fee Schedule for 2014 (Based on previous registration renewal month):

Month of Birth/Registration

Amount Due













Months for 2015















Posted in: Community