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2016 City Stickers Due

2016 City Stickers Due

Ludlow Police Officers have begun monitoring vehicles that are parked in the city and placing a courtesy notice on any vehicle that does not have a current city sticker.  Any vehicle that is registered in the city of Ludlow is required to have a city sticker

In order to pay your fee, please stop by during regular business hours (8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.) Monday-Friday at the Ludlow Municipal Center located at 51 Elm Street.  The cost is $20.00 per vehicle. You will need the current registration for each vehicle that you own.

City stickers must be displayed inside the windshield on the lower corner of the driver's side of your vehicle.  The sticker has an adhesive backing.  Please carefully place the sticker so that it is clearly visible where indicated.

If you are unable to stop in at the City Building during business hours, please send in a copy of your current registration(s) along with your payment as well as a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The City will record your information and issue your sticker via postal service.  Mail requests should be sent to:

City of Ludlow

ATTN:  City Treasurer

P.O. Box 16188

51 Elm Street

Ludlow, KY  41016

If you purchase a new car and sell/junk/trade in your old car, you may transfer the sticker at no cost as long as you bring your sticker to the City offices along with a copy of the registration for your new vehicle.  We will update your vehicle information and issue a replacement sticker.  If you lose your sticker you will have to pay $20 for a replacement. The stickers are numbered; if your sticker is stolen please report the theft and officers will track it while enforcing.

If a car is repeatedly parked in the city without a sticker, a citation will be issued in the amount of $30. If the citation is issued for a vehicle not belonging to a resident of the city, the owner will need to go before the City Sticker Appeals Board with a license and proof of address. The address will be checked for validity and for being a personal residence and not a business.  Please contact the Municipal Center at (859) 491-1233 for the date and time of the next City Sticker Appeals Board meeting.

Posted in: Community