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A Homestead or Disability Exemption Could Save You Money


 Homestead and Disability Exemptions

Did you know that you may qualify for a reduction in the taxable value of your home thereby reducing your property taxes? The Kentucky Homestead Act is a tax exemption established for the benefit of the senior or disabled homeowner. The Homestead Exemption (HEX)/ Disability Exemption (DEX) is deter­mined every two years by the General Assembly to reflect increases in the cost of living. For 2016, the amount of the exemption (assess­ment reduction) is $36,900.  *Homestead Exemption:  To qualify for the homestead exemption, a person must be at least 65 years old and the property must be owned and occupied  as their primary residence as of January 1.  NO NEED TO WAIT UNTIL YOUR BIRTHDAY - if you will turn 65 this year, come in now!  *Disability Exemption: A person must be classified as 100% totally disabled under any govern­ment and/or most private retirement system(s).

Applying for your exemption is easy!  Just visit the PVA Office in Covington at 303 Court Street, Room 210 or the Independence office at 5272 Madison Pike (open late until 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays for your convenience.)  For additional information, please visit our website at or call us at 859-392-1750.  *Proof of eligibility is required.

          Darlene M. Plummer, Kenton County PVA 

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