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Independence Courthouse Campus Plan Open House

Independence Courthouse Campus Plan Open House

INDEPENDENCE, Ky. (April 12, 2017) – Kenton County is hosting an open house for the Independence Courthouse planning process at the Independence City Building on April 17th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Kenton County is studying the current and future utilization of the Courthouse in Independence, and retained GRW Engineering to lead that process. Keeping in mind growth patterns, the County wants to plan a courthouse campus that will meet the current and long-term needs of the community.

Attendees will be able to learn more about the Independence Courthouse Campus Plan, talk to staff working on the project, and discuss ideas for additional services and changes.

"We’re preparing a plan for the Courthouse that will provide great services now and for the long-term," said Judge/Executive Kris Knochelmann. "The open house will be a great way for everyone to see what we’ve been working on, and an opportunity to talk with elected officials and staff about what you want."

The open house will be at the Independence City Building, 5409 Madison Pike, Independence, KY 41051, on April 17th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

For any questions about the open house, please contact Kenton County’s Digital Communications Coordinator at [email protected]

Posted in: Community